Laser eye surgery has grown in popularity in recent years. Once you’ve decided to continue with the procedure, you should begin thinking about preparation. Although it is a simple and safe technique, even the simplest surgeries need forethought. Simply arranging for someone to transport you home in advance can assist to ensure that the experience is as stress-free as possible. At Wellington Eye Centre, our team of professionals has created a thorough list of advice for preparing for your laser eye surgery. Therefore, let us dig in!
What is the procedure for laser eye surgery?

Each laser eye surgery technique (LASIK, SMILER, or PRK) achieves the same result. They reshape the cornea, which is the transparent dome-shaped portion of your eye at the front. By reshaping the cornea, we may alter the focus point of the eye so that it lies neatly on the back of the eye, resulting in a clear picture. The manner in which the focus point should be altered is determined by whether you are short or long-sighted.
For persons who are nearsighted, the cornea must be flattened to minimize the refractive power. This is caused by an abnormally bent cornea or an abnormally lengthy eye. While in the case of long-sighted individuals, the cornea is steepened to boost the refractive power; this is necessary because the cornea is too flat or the eye is too short.
Are you contemplating laser eye surgery? How to Begin:
The first step is to schedule a complimentary laser examination. At this session, we will do a series of eye scans and tests, examine your medical history, evaluate your vision, and explain the various kinds of laser eye surgery. This examination is conducted by one of our pleasant ophthalmic technicians and lasts around an hour.
Prior to scheduling your evaluation
For individuals who like doing research, we’ve compiled a list of relevant facts to gather for your surgeon, as well as some useful hints for preparing for laser eye surgery. The majority of this will be discussed at your complimentary laser eye surgery suitability assessment and future sessions.

1. A current list of your drugs
This is important because some drugs might modify how your body reacts to surgery and can result in:
- excessive inflammation
- dry eyes, possibly complicating the healing process
- impair your eyesight, resulting in an inexact vision test
While these drugs are unlikely to exclude you from undergoing laser eye surgery, they may need your surgeon to provide medication to counteract their effects. This might be as simple as altering the eye drops prescribed after laser eye surgery.
2. Family medical history
Do you or any members of your family have a family history of eye illness or autoimmune disease?
We are particularly interested in the following conditions affecting the eyes:
- Keratoconus – a condition in which a person uses rigid contact lenses or has undergone a corneal transplant.
- Glaucoma – a disease characterized by elevated pressure within the eye that is often treated with eye drops but may need surgery.
- Additionally, we will inquire about the following systemic conditions:
- Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus; since these autoimmune diseases may aggravate the inflammatory response after surgery, resulting in an uncertain healing period.
- Herpes simplex (cold sores) or herpes zoster history (shingles). If these illnesses have impacted the eyes, it is possible that the cornea has already been impaired, resulting in decreased sensitivity. In the event of herpes simplex, surgery may result in the infection recurring.
- Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, as well as gestational diabetes. Or, if you are not being treated for diabetes, but are being followed by your primary care physician owing to increased blood sugars. Occasionally, it is referred to as ‘borderline diabetes’. Due to the fact that some phases of diabetes might cause delayed healing, it is beneficial to arrive at your appointment informed on your current blood sugar management, medicines, and recent Hba1c readings.
3. Evidence of a stable prescription for spectacles
If possible, get a summary of your spectacle refraction over the last five years from your optometrist and bring it with you. Even if you are not presently using prescription glasses, the findings of your most recent Optometrist visit may be quite useful in assessing whether and how much your vision is changing.
A little difference in your spectacle prescription does not exclude you from undergoing laser eye surgery. However, a gradual change in vision or unstable changes in vision may exclude you from being eligible for the operation.
Presbyopia, the normal change in vision that occurs beyond the age of forty years, will also not influence your candidacy for laser vision correction. It may, however, affect the sort of laser vision correction for which you are a candidate. Presbyopia is a steady deterioration in our ability to concentrate on or tolerate items up close.
4. Consult your optometrist about monovision contact lenses.
This one is for individuals who use contact lenses and are 39 years of age or older.
Monovision is a kind of laser eye surgery in which just one eye is corrected for distant vision. The second eye (often the non-dominant eye) is employed for activities requiring 30-50cm of vision. This may be a beneficial technique to overcome the problem of requiring an adjustment for distance and another for proximity.
With monovision, the eye that sees well at a distance will seem somewhat blurred up close, while the eye that sees well at a distance will appear slightly blurred up close. However, with both eyes open, the outcome is often acceptable clarity and comfort at most distances. Visit to read about a guide on laser eye surgery.
As our requirement for reading glasses grows beyond the age of 40, anybody 39 years or older who comes in for a free laser evaluation may have their suitability for monovision evaluated. If you would like to try monovision before to your free evaluation, contact your optometrist.
Nowadays, we choose to conduct LASIK Presbyond, a surgical procedure that allows for integrated vision rather than monovision. However, trailing monovision contact lenses is a fantastic way to determine if you are a candidate for the more elegant mixed vision type. There are no contact lenses that properly simulate mixed vision. Click here to read more How to stay safe after a laser eye surgery